The relationship with ups and downs between Biden and Sheinbaum for legal security and immigration

The current president of USA, Joe Bidenset out to whitewash the president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaumat his inauguration, just fifteen days ago.

Through an expressive statement, Biden I wanted to Sheinbaum “a happy celebration and a very successful presidency.” Calling the investiture “as historic” because she was the first woman to achieve the Presidency of Mexicoin a country that accuses inequality, also between men and women.

Ignoring the presence of Diaz-Canel, Peter or the invitation to Putin by the Mexican Administration.

Sheinbaum and López Obrador have shaken Mexico's relations with Spain

The congratulations were made through a televised message since his wife, Jill Bidenwas the one who attended the celebration of the seizure of power, also highlighting the figure of socialist politics: «It is very important, as well as exciting because she (Claudia Sheinbaum) is such a strong woman, she is a great example. To continue: “She is so qualified, she has been mayor and the girls see her as an example and feel that they can repeat it.”

The flattery is framed within a bilateral trade that today is around the astronomical figure of 800,000 million dollars (about 733,408 million euros), according to statistics from the United States Census Bureau.

Until recently, the American Society of Mexico, who presides Larry Rubin calculated that by virtue of the relocation of companies or nearshoringtrade between both countries could reach a trillion dollars (trillion in Spanish).

Some gargantuan accounts that can be affected by a Mexican Judicial Reform in which judges will be chosen by vote and not by their training or merits, among other democratic wear and tear.

The ambassador of United States in Mexico, Ken Salazarwarned that bilateral relations between both countries could deteriorate due to this abusive reform, in explosive statements he offered in the Washington Post: «The judicial reform of AMLO It has to disappear,” the diplomat strongly advised.

His statements gave rise to Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)so president of Mexico“will pause relations” with the megapower. Some incendiary demonstrations facing the gallery that has already been used against our country in 2022, because Spain had not asked for an unjustified apology for the Conquestwhich occurred 500 years ago. Which does not require diplomacy to continue acting with total normality, always behind.

Bank of America classified the judicial reform as very high risk and the rating agency Fitch opined that the approval of the judicial reform would negatively impact the credit rating of Mexico.

Next, the Mexican Minister of Economy, Marcelo Ebrardand the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Ramon de la Fuentethey declared that «USA has no right to criticize judicial reforms in Mexico», alleging, as always, an alleged and contrived attack on its sovereignty.

Joe BidenHe also warned that he sought to promote security in both nations given the “distrust of the intelligence apparatus of USA» that started Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)in the previous Mexican six-year term.

Among the claims of Sheinbaum is to open a collaboration channel with Washingtonspecifically with the security agency that has the broadest powers in the fight against drug cartels: Homeland Security Investigations, HSI by its acronym in English.

A high-level source in the North American government has confirmed to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal that the president-elect has promised to expand ties to dismantle the supply chain of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs. As well as criminal immigrant trafficking networks.

Even so, there are more thorny issues such as public support for Ruben Rocha Moya, the governor of Sinaloa, who has been investigated by the National Intelligence Center for alleged links with the Sinaloa Cartel. Focus of a file of the Attorney General’s Office about the alleged kidnapping of Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambadaa known drug trafficker.

The Mexican government was not properly informed of the arrest of Zambada and Guzmán López (son of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán). The president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has complained publicly and insistently about the lack of a forceful response from Washington that explains the doubts surrounding the case Zambada-Guzmán López.

The Mexican government’s lax security strategy against organized crime affects its relationship with USA. The failed strategy of “hugs, not bullets”, which instead of weakening it, has strengthened drug trafficking against the interests of the State, those of Mexican society and those of the bilateral relationship.

Sheinbaum takes López Obrador's hand at her inauguration as president

Furthermore, for Mexicothe migration phenomenon has become a problem with an overwhelming dimension. The new immigrants arrive from Cuba, Venezuela and Haiti. They join the Central Americans, particularly from the Northern Triangle of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras), further Nicaragua.

Mexican migration has grown in the last 5 years, becoming the largest in all countries in Latin America.

Sheinbaum announced on Tuesday that the current Governor of Puebla, Sergio Salomónwill replace Garduño in December, who faces criminal proceedings for the fire that killed 40 migrants at a station in the National Migration Institute (INM), in Ciudad Juarez in March 2023, with the promise of an “improvement of the institute.”

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