Without strength: The unspoken struggles of aid workers for their mental health

This article was originally published in English

Mental health has become a critical issue among aid workers, but there is a long silence around the support they need, and they often face crises or war zones without adequate care, Euronews has been told. .


The humanitarian aid has become a essential part of today’s world. According to the UN, more than 300 million people suffer forced displacement or natural disasters.

But the risks of being a cooperator They have never been older. In 2023, the record number of 595 people killed, injured or kidnapped It marked one of the darkest years in the history of the sector.

“These risks question the motivation of workers and raise concerns about the I respect of international humanitarian law,” said Belgian aid worker Olivier Vandecasteele, who pointed out the “erosion of respect” that humanitarian operators face today.

Vandecasteele, who He was held hostage in Iran for 456 daysfounded Protect Humanitariansa global alliance committed to protection of humanitarian personnel front line. Your organization too offers financial help emergency aid to humanitarian workers in danger, in collaboration with the King Baudouin Foundation of Belgium.

The mental healthin particular, has become a key issue for Protect Humanitarians. “The idea is to at least create a safe space where organizations can share and learn from each other about mental health support,” Vandecasteele said, noting that The psychological well-being of workers is too often overlooked.

Cyril Cosar, clinical psychologist and traumatologist, points out several important risks to the mental health of aid workers, such as exhaustionPTSD, fear to personal safety and worry for the loved ones they leave behind.

culture of sacrifice

Steve Dennis, a former aid worker, highlights the emotional cost of worksince it requires a strong sense of solidarity and empathy to leave a safe place for a dangerous one.

That same empathy can be overwhelming when workers feel helpless and, combined with constant exposure to suffering, often causes fatigue and trauma secondary.

Dennis, who now runs Proper Support Recovery Consulting, an organization dedicated to help aid workers recover of trauma, explained that It’s hard to compartmentalize emotions. without becoming a robot.

Humanitarian workers, especially those who have experienced traumatic environments such as refugee camps either clinics for war victimsthey often have difficulties recognizing their own needs compared to those around them.

“I would say that 100% of the people I have worked with have said that their injury or problem is not ‘as serious as’ [los de aquellos a los que están ayudando]”Dennis stated.

Cosar pointed out that the sector is permeated by a “culture of sacrifice”in which workers feel they must give their all, regardless of how they feel. Unlike the people they help, who are clearly identified as victims, humanitarian burnout and trauma are often invisiblewhich makes it difficult to assess how well they are coping.

“As a humanitarian worker, it’s like you’re not allowed to be a victim: you have to be strong all the time”says Mila Leonova, Director of the Alliance of Civil Society Organizations of Ukraine.

Many civil society organizations were drawn into humanitarian work following the large-scale invasion of Ukraine on the part of Russiawithout adequate preparation. “Almost three years later, we are completely burned out. But in our culture, admitting this weakness is shameful”Leonova added.

Prevention and financing

While professions such as doctors, police and military personnel receive wide training and support to cope traumatic situationshumanitarian workers typically receive much less.


“We consider that a formation of awareness about hostile environments four days before deploying in Somalia It is the golden rule. But other high-risk professions receive months or even years of preparation,” Dennis explained.

He sure It’s another challenge. Many policies They don’t cover war zones nor mental health issues, and mental injury claims are often denied if not diagnosed immediately.

Vandecasteele advocates allocating a part of the donations specifically to the attention of the mental health of the humanitarian workers and Leonova states that “Brussels is an ideal place to debate this issue, with the European Commission nearby and the possibility of establishing contacts with various donors”

The EU is one of the greatest humanitarian aid providers in the world, with more than 2.4 billion euros in 2023. For Dennis, investing in the well-being of workers is crucial: “It’s like maintaining a vehicle. A well-maintained car lasts longer and performs better. The same goes for your staff.”


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