Jésica obtained a minimum of 6,000 euros per month for her “particular relationship” with Ábalos

Jésica Rodríguez García was not Ábalos’ partner. Not even his lover. The former Minister of Transport maintained a “particular relationship” with Jésica, according to the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard in its report sent to the judge. The investigators of the armed institute do not include evidence about the commercial component of the relationship, but they do reveal the payment for the property in which this young woman resided from March 2019 to September 2021, through the front man of Víctor de Aldama, leader of a framework that had Ábalos at the top.

The UCO estimates 32 monthly payments for a luxury apartment in the Torre de Madrid building in Plaza de España at 88,000 euros. But the 2,700 euros per month that the ‘Ábalos plot’ paid for Jésica are only part of the payments that were paid to the young Dentistry student during the two years that they maintained their relationship. In just the first seven months of it, Jésica claimed a total of 39,300 euros for accompanying the then Minister of Transport and number three of the PSOE on a total of 33 trips officials and party events.

The emails published exclusively by THE OBJECTIVE revealed that the young woman demanded from the former minister a fee of 1,500 euros per day for each accompaniment during the first months. Amounts that decreased as the months passed, as Jésica herself reproached Ábalos in a new email to which this newspaper had access. In these communications, dated July 2019, the young woman acknowledged the payments of the then minister and secretary of Organization of the PSOE, but also blamed him for the reduction in her income: «If you see the amounts you gave me before than the ones you give me now, it makes me laugh…», Jésica reproaches, «last month you gave me 1,200 euros».

A relationship with “exclusivity”

An electronic letter that included a series of reproaches because Ábalos had failed to comply the “deal” agreed upon between the two, consisting of the young woman earning “the same or more” than what the minister was earning. In the line expressed in the first emails under the title of “dysgeusia”, “feeling of discomfort” in the medical jargon of dentists, Jésica explained that the main reason for her discomfort was non-compliance with the terms of the relationship between the two based on an “exclusivity” agreement. Something that implied an opportunity cost compared to other types of relationships.

The type of settlement of services that the young woman contributed to the Ábalos email address included monthly amounts that ranged between 2,000 and 8,000 euros.. From the crossing of the payment relationship claimed by Jésica to Ábalos in the first email revealed by THE OBJECTIVE, the ministerial agenda and some invoices seized in the investigation of the Koldo case The monthly sums that the young woman would have received are shown. The first month in which invoices were recorded was in November 2018, when the ministry’s secretaries processed train tickets and hotel vouchers in Jésica’s name for a trip with Ábalos to Gerona and Barcelona, ​​for which a payment was claimed. 3,000 euros, 1,500 a day. Added to the young woman’s notes that month, the amount claimed In November it amounted to 4,500 euros. In December, the sum was 3,000; in January, 8,500; in February, 8,700 euros; in March, 4,500; in April, 2,400; in May, 3,400; in June, 2,300 and in July, 2,000.

However, the relationship continued for at least one more year, until November 2020. During that period, this newspaper reported on several trips that occurred after the payment list included in the emails and that, therefore, do not appear in the list. Two examples of great relevance, because they were the invoices that appear in the first UCO report of February 23, 2023: the trip to Russia in August 2019 and to Abu Dhabi, three months later, in October of the same year. These are two milestones within the information seized from the emails of Ábalos’ advisor Koldo García Izaguirrebecause it includes the exchange of emails with the secretaries of the Ministry of Transport, who sent him the invoice for the plane ticket to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Most of the invoices included Koldo in the payment method and were managed through the account 1412 cabinetfrom the cabinet of the Ministry of Public Works, in the usual agency, El Corte Inglés Travel.

A job at Ineco

To the 2,700 euros per month for renting his luxury apartment, we must add the monthly payments that Minister Ábalos made for accompanying him on trips, which ranged between 2,000 and 8,700 euros. And we must add a third amount: the income that the young woman received from the public engineering company Ineco, where she was hired from March 1, 2019 (the same month she moved to the Plaza de España apartment with expenses paid), until February 28, 2021as confirmed by the Government to this newspaper through the Transparency Portal. According to a payroll that appears in the Civil Guard report, Jésica earned 1,635 euros per month from the public company Ineco.

The UCO report also confirms this information from THE OBJECTIVE that arose as a result of the work waiver that Koldo’s brother, Joseba García, signed as a “security expert” fifteen days after Jesica joined Ineco, so that she could be absent from his job as an administrative assistant and accompany Ábalos to a trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg and to another party event over the weekend in the Balearic Islands.

Between 6,000 and 12,000 euros per month

However, the UCO researchers add a second relevant information. After being hired for two years at Ineco, Jésica signed a new contract on March 2, 2021 at the public company Tragsatecdependent on the SEPI, and therefore on the Ministry of Finance, for a period of six months. And its management was carried out at the request of former Minister Ábalos. The evidence collected by the Armed Institute includes a screenshot of a conversation between Jésica and Ábalos in which she informs him, on February 23, 2021, that his contract at Ineco is ending. The minister sends that conversation to Koldo and he answers: “You have to move to another place and then it comes back, it takes 18 months.” “Tell him”answers Ábalos.

A job that he held until September of the same year, exactly the date on which the rental contract at the Torre de Madrid company in Plaza de España was terminated. Ábalos was no longer a minister nor did he have a “particular relationship” with the young woman. During their two years of relationship, Jésica was receiving a monthly income between 6,000 and 12,000 euros. Once their personal relationship ended, the payments of 4,000 euros per month continued until September 2021, between paying the monthly rent for his luxury apartment and his job at these two public companies.

Despite this, the Civil Guard report indicates that there is a mystery still to be resolved. The plot supposedly stops making payments for the rent of his luxury apartment in September 2021, but there is evidence of subsequent messages in which he appears to continue living there. In fact, a message from Joseba García to her brother Koldo is recorded in which it is seen that Jésica has posted a photo of the views from her apartment on social networks with the following text: “And colorín colorado, this story is over.” . It is March 31, 2022. Koldo answers: “Three and a half years of free housing.”

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