A boost for health and education

Within the framework of the territorial development strategy of Castilla y León, an ambitious initiative has been carried out to expand the Segovia Care and Educational Complex. This project not only seeks to strengthen the capacity of the health system, but also to integrate a School of Nursing to take advantage of the synergies between the health and education sectors. With a budget of 546 million euros and under the Regional Territorial Plan (PRAT), this expansion promises to be a key driver for the improvement of public services in the province.

Territorial development is one of the priorities of the Government of Castilla y León, especially since in 2022 the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Planning assumed full powers in the planning and execution of industrial projects and essential equipment. In this context, the expansion of the Segovia Care Complex is part of the effort to balance growth between urban and rural areas, providing modern infrastructure that meets the growing needs of the population.

In 2021, the need to expand the Segovia General Hospital was identified. Inaugurated in 1974 and undergoing renovations in 2007, the hospital complex has become insufficient both in terms of space and services to meet current demands for medical care. The initial proposal came from the Regional Health Management, which formulated a plan for the construction of a new building with a minimum area of ​​20,000 square meters, equipped with modern services and ample parking. This new space had to be connected to the existing facilities to ensure operational efficiency.

Parallel to the expansion of the hospital, the Ministry of Education raised the need to create a new School of Nursing. This institution, which will train future health professionals, was designed to be integrated into the expanded Care Complex. The proximity of both centers will facilitate the creation of synergies for both the health sector and the educational community, providing spaces for clinical practices and promoting more direct and effective training.

The integration of the School of Nursing into the Care Complex responds to a strategic vision that seeks to maximize resources and optimize student training. Future nurses are expected to receive quality education, with access to hospital facilities, which will improve both their preparation and overall healthcare.

Segovia General Hospital.Segovia General Hospital.
Segovia General Hospital.

On December 1, 2022, the Government of Castilla y León approved Decree 48/2022 (BOCyL December 5, 2022), through which the Regional Territorial Scope Plan (PRAT) was given the green light for the expansion of the complex. This plan was promoted by the Public Society of Infrastructure and Environment of Castilla y León (SOMACyL), responsible for coordinating the execution of the work.

The PRAT contains the necessary provisions to modify the current urban planning, replacing the General Urban Planning Plan of Segovia, approved in 2007. This modification allows the expansion of the hospital on land adjacent to the current facilities, which until now were full. The total area allocated for the expansion is 119,892.82 square meters, distributed in several categories of land ranging from consolidated urban land to cultural protection and infrastructure areas.

Before the approval of the PRAT, the land available for the expansion of the care and educational complex was distributed as follows:

– Consolidated Urban Land: 56,684.42 square meters.

– Developable Land: 1,418.70 square meters.

– Rustic Land with Infrastructure Protection: 14,027.95 square meters.

– Rustic Land with Cultural Protection: 34,789.85 square meters.

– Rustic Land in Urban Environment: 12,971.88 square meters.

With the urban reorganization promoted by the PRAT, the entire land will be classified as ‘Consolidated Urban Land’, covering an area of ​​119,892.82 square meters. This change is essential to ensure that new hospital and educational facilities can be developed without legal or administrative limitations.

The expansion project of the Segovia Care and Educational Complex has an estimated investment of 546 million euros. This sum will not only cover the construction of new infrastructure, but also the modernization of existing services, the creation of public spaces and the adaptation of the road to facilitate access to the complex.

This action is expected to generate employment both during the construction phase and in the subsequent operation of the new facilities and of course the modernization of the hospital complex will make it possible to offer more efficient and higher quality healthcare, which will benefit the population. local and will reduce pressure on hospital centers in other provinces.

Plan of the expansion of the Hospital, with the details of the plots where it will be located. JCYL.Plan of the expansion of the Hospital, with the details of the plots where it will be located. JCYL.
Plan of the expansion of the Hospital, with the details of the plots where it will be located. JCYL.

The PRAT not only redefines land classification, but also establishes detailed planning determinations to ensure balanced development of the complex. In the UA3 PP-19 area, intended mainly for industrial uses, the following characteristics have been planned:

– Area of ​​plots for industrial use: Large spaces will be allocated to guarantee that industrial activities in the area do not interfere with the operation of the healthcare complex.

– Public facilities: The plan includes the construction of new public facilities, which will complement the health and educational facilities, providing additional services to the community.

– Public open spaces: Recreational areas and green areas will be created that will improve the quality of life of hospital users and students of the School of Nursing.

– Public roads: Access to the complex will be facilitated through the creation of new public roads, which will allow more fluid and safe circulation around the facilities.

One of the most notable aspects of the PRAT is its focus on sustainability. From the initial planning, energy efficiency criteria and respect for the natural environment have been taken into account. The new facilities will be equipped with technologies that minimize energy consumption and reduce polluting emissions, contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

Furthermore, the project has been designed to allow for future expansions, ensuring that the Segovia Care and Educational Complex can adapt to the changing needs of the population. It is expected that in the coming years, the complex will consolidate itself as a reference in both the health and educational fields, attracting professionals and students from across the region.

The expansion of the Segovia Care and Educational Complex will bring multiple benefits to the community. On the one hand, patients will have a more modern and better equipped hospital, capable of offering faster and more efficient care. The new facilities will allow for the implementation of advanced technologies and the expansion of specialized services that are currently not available in the province.

On the other hand, the integration of the School of Nursing into the hospital complex will strengthen the health system in the long term, by training new highly trained professionals in a real clinical environment. This closeness between academic training and professional practice will not only benefit students, but will also allow the hospital to have a constant flow of qualified personnel, thus improving patient care.

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