Alejandra Rubio opens up about her relationship with Carlo Costanzia: “He has disrespected me on many occasions”

Showing her most supportive side with an issue that has touched her family very closely due to her mother, Terelu Campos, Alejandra Rubio wanted to contribute her grain of sand against the fight against breast cancer by acting as ambassador in the bracelet presentation charity launched by the hair salon chain Jean-Louis David and whose benefits will go to the GEICAM Foundation for research against the disease.

Showing off her 7-month pregnant belly with a flattering set of pencil skirt and sweater with a print of small squares in pink and burgundy, the ‘Let’s see’ talk show host has revealed how she’s carrying the ‘sweet wait’ and how her relationship is. with Carlo Costanzia. But not only that, since in addition to settling the rumors of a very annoying crisis, and explaining why she has not made public the sex of the baby she is expecting, she has spoken out about the imminent reunion of her aunt Carmen Borrego and her cousin José María Almoguera on the set of ‘De Viernes!’.

“I feel very well, everything is within normal limits. For now I have no cravings and I am also eating very well,” she told us, acknowledging that at the moment she is going “little by little” with the preparations for the arrival of her first child. -scheduled for December- “because I am a little superstitious” and prefers to wait for the final stretch of her pregnancy.

After Terelu’s statements confessing that the wish she still has to fulfill is “to have her grandson”, Alejandra has denied that her mother has confirmed that she is expecting a child: “No one has confirmed anything, and, furthermore, I am here to talk about something much more important than the fight against cancer, the rest remains in the background” he concluded emphatically.

Nor has she been too talkative when we asked her how she experienced the period in which her mother fought against the disease. “I can’t give advice because I haven’t experienced it firsthand, I have experienced it with my mother. For me, attitude is the most important thing in life, above all, and I think that when they give you news like that it also depends a lot. how you manage it and how you take it” she explained, acknowledging that now that she is going to be a mother she is even more constant if possible with the check-ups because “of course the concern increases.”

A few weeks after giving birth, the influencer reveals that she is “a little afraid” of the moment of childbirth, but that she faces it “within the normal limits, it can go well, badly, ordinarily, as it comes.” “I have no idea if it will be a natural birth or a cesarean section, I want it to be as natural as possible, but then… My mother has given me advice, but this is a lottery, everyone lives it in their own way.” “he confesses.


Returning to the sex of her baby, Alejandra has made it clear that “I am not obliged to say it because I don’t think anyone would be very interested either,” but she has assured that there will be no exclusive to present the child even though she did announce her future motherhood. on the cover of a well-known magazine: “It has nothing to do with showing the baby’s face. That was a century and a half ago. We’re still doing it again. Yes, I said I’m pregnant, what’s the problem?” has responded superbly, settling the issue by not confirming whether she is expecting a boy or a girl “not because I am hiding anything, but because I don’t feel like it because I am a little strange with these things”, although she is aware that it is going to end knowing.

Once the baby is born, the employee acknowledges that she does not know if she will return to work soon or will spend some time with the little one: “Let’s see, for now I’m still working and I hope to continue working until I can, until the end we’re going. You ask me questions I don’t know. It’s just that, of course, it depends on many things. How life goes, how I handle it, how we both manage it, it depends…” he explained.


And their relationship is going swimmingly and she is tired of the crisis rumors that have followed them lately. “He takes care of me and pampers me very, very much. I am very, very, very happy. Thank God that I have him and that he is always with me and supports me. All this news is based on inventing things. In my house there is no problem, Thank God. Much less with Carlo. And that’s what I have to say. If they want to invent that there is a crisis, hey, let them invent it, I really know what I have in my house,” she said, annoyed. insisting that their images arguing in the middle of the street were not what they seem and they were not fighting.

“If you want to invent, invent. I have no problem. And besides, one thing, if I argue, you are not going to see me argue, let’s see if you think that I… I have a super healthy relationship with Carlo “It’s not a relationship of shouting or things like that. It’s the first time in my life that I have a fairly healthy and quite mature relationship,” he stated bluntly, revealing that Carlo “is the most important thing I have in my life.” right now and he is the father of the person inside me.

Wedding plans? As she has pointed out, “it’s always wedding, wedding… and damn, I’m going to have someone. There will be a wedding at some point.”

Alejandra has also had to clarify the statements she gave last summer in which she said that her intention was to move away from television and focus on social networks, exploiting her role as an influencer. Something that she continues to think about even though she continues to work as a collaborator on ‘Let’s See’: “I said that I wanted to focus more on social networks and it’s true. And that’s what I’m trying to do. It’s more difficult for me because it’s a work that I have done less. I am more used to getting up in the morning and going to a television station and if I have the opportunity to continue doing it and continue working I will do it.

A moment in which she has been involved in a confrontation with some of the reporters who asked her how she copes with media pressure by accusing some of constantly disrespecting her and Carlo. “It is very complicated, very complicated and everyone manages it as best they can. If there is mutual respect there is no problem, it is simply that the harassment is exhausting and I have been disrespected on many occasions. And apart from the fake news because 99 “% of the news is fake, so what do we do? A lot of journalism and then many things are forgotten when doing interviews, asking questions and especially street reporters,” she stated very angrily.


Visibly uncomfortable, Teresa Campos’ granddaughter has distanced herself from the reunion on the set of ‘De Viernes!’ of his aunt Carmen and his cousin José María and has made it clear that “I am apart from all that, we are here for something else and that’s it. I am on my way, as you know, now my life, now my things. In the end puts us in the same pack.”

“My mother is very much in line with what I think, so she is going to do her job, she is there interviewing like every Friday, and that’s it,” he assured when we asked him how Terelu deals with it.

An event in which Alejandra has revealed that both her mother and father really want to become grandparents. Just like Carlo’s parents, Mar Flores and Carlo Costanzia: “Both of them too,” he assured.

“Carlo and my father get along great and I am happy. We get along very well, I with his family, he with mine, with my father, with my brother, with everything that has to be done. Perfect family? No, family , which is what it is” has been settled, leaving it up in the air whether they will all get together for Christmas. “Oh, I don’t know. I’m going to give birth almost at Christmas. We’ll see, we’ll see.”

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