Mental health, clinical management and advanced therapies: September sessions and training of the College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid

During September, the Professional College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid has had an active participation in several key conferences and events in the healthcare field. From initiatives focused on the mental health and well-being of vulnerable patients to training sessions on clinic management and innovative therapy days.

Health Forum

On Wednesday the 25th, an informative breakfast of the Health Forum took place at the Real Casino Gran Círculo in Madrid, organized by Nueva Economía Fórum and sponsored by Bidafarma. Enrique Ruiz Escuderosenator for the Community of Madrid and Health Minister of the CAM (2017-2023), gave way to Manuel Martínez del Peralpresident of the Council of Pharmacists of Madrid (COFM), who addressed the main challenges facing the healthcare sector.

Manuel Martínez highlighted among the main challenges “the aging of the population, which affects the current socio-health model, the increase in chronicity and the high health expenditure that this entails, the phenomenon of polypharmacy and its risks, and the increase in dependency , which puts great pressure on the National Health System.”

César Calvo Rocha, president of the Professional College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid, was also present at this important event in the healthcare field.

V Meeting of Advanced Therapies

Likewise, last Monday, September 23, it was held in the Congress of Deputies the V Meeting of Advanced Therapiesin honor of World Lymphoma Day. The objective of this conference, promoted by Gilead Sciences and its cell therapy company, Kite, was to assess the progress of the National Plan for Addressing Advanced Therapies in the National Health System (SNS)approved in November 2018, as well as discuss potential areas of improvement in the use of CAR-T therapies for the treatment of hematological malignancies.

César Calvo during the V Meeting of Advanced Therapies. Image: provided by the School.

In his welcome speech, Begoña Barragánpresident of the Spanish Association of People Affected by Lymphoma (AEAL), positively valued “the advances made in recent years, which have transformed the lives of patients.” In the same line, the Dr. Mariana Bastos-Oreirocoordinator of the Lymphoma Unit of the Gregorio Marañón University Hospital and of the Aggressive Lymphomas subcommittee of GELTAMO, highlighted that “CAR-T therapies have represented a fundamental advance for all lymphomas, especially for diffuse lymphoma.”

For its part, Elena Casauscoordinator of the Regional Strategy for Advanced Therapies of the Community of Madrid, stressed that “this plan has allowed the creation of a network of connected centers, with an equitable care model and a centralized evaluation group for the entire SNS.” The event, attended by César Calvo Rocha, president of the Professional College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid, concluded with the presentation of awards to those who have promoted the Approach Plan for Advanced Therapies in the SNS.

Dental clinic management

For its part, last Saturday, September 21, the 9th Edition of the Dental Clinic Management Course, sponsored once again by Laboratorios Lacer and organized by the Professional College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid.

Speakers of the 9th Edition of the Dental Clinic Management Course. Image: provided by the School.

The main objective of this course is provide practical training covering all areas of management and organization of a dental clinicso that professionals can acquire new skills and face current challenges in the management of these centers.

Jose Luis Gomezdirector of the course, opened the day with a presentation on the current state of Dentistry, in which reviewed the fundamental objectives when planning a dental clinic project. Next, the Dr. Antonio Gosálvez addressed the important topic of conflict resolution in the face of clinical failure, analyzing different types of conflicts, strategies and their results. His session concluded with a role play of conflicts, where students were able to apply the knowledge acquired.

Autism and health days

On September 20, the XV Autism and Health Conferenceorganized by the Madrid Autism Federation in collaboration with the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital. This edition, titled “Network of health resources for the promotion of mental health”, was coordinated and organized by the Technical Commission for Work and Study of the Health Area of ​​the Madrid Autism Federation.

The event was attended by Paula Villenaneuropsychologist at the Madrid Autism Federation; the Dr. Mara Parellada Redondopsychiatrist and Research and Teaching coordinator of the AMITEA Program; Alfonso Arnaiz Egurenpresident of the Madrid Autism Federation; Sonia García de San Josémanaging director of HGU Gregorio Marañón; and Fatima Matute TeresaMinister of Health of the Community of Madrid.

He Professional College of Dental Hygienists of Madrid was also presentrepresented by its president, César Calvo Rocha. Throughout the day, through various presentations, was addressed the need to build a network that guarantees that any person with ASD receives the care they need at all times”. In addition, it was highlighted that “people with autism are more likely than the rest of the population to suffer from mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, which underlines the need to implement an outpatient mental health intervention program at all stages of the life of patients with ASD”.

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