It is one of the most consumed in Spain

Chewing gum is a common practice that many people use as a way to curb hunger between meals or calm anxiety. However, despite its popularity, this seemingly harmless habit could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

One of the most widespread myths is that chewing gum can help control appetite and, therefore, reduce calorie intake. However, according to several studies, this approach is not only wrong, but can have adverse effects.

Nutritionist Sandra Moñino, in a recent interview in a renowned media outlet, talked about how harmful it can be. chewing gumsince they can generate inflammation in the body and alter the metabolism.

“I had a patient who I couldn’t lose weight and we didn’t understand why, since I had a balanced diet and exercised,” stated Moñino, explaining how chewing gum can interfere with weight loss.

“Later we discovered that he took five pieces of gum a day, which generated inflammation in his body that prevented him from losing weight,” concludes the nutrition expert, stating how harmful the consumption of this gum can be.

a hidden enemy

One of the main reasons why gum makes it difficult to lose weight is the presence of artificial sweeteners. These compounds, such as aspartame and sucralose, are used to provide sweetness without adding calories, but they can have unwanted effects on the body.

According to Moñino, “the problem is that a single piece of gum can have between three and four different sweeteners, each potentially contributing to inflammation in the body.”

Woman putting a piece of gum in her mouth.

Woman putting a piece of gum in her mouth. iStock null

This excess of sweeteners can not only cause inflammation, but also affects the intestinal microbiota, the set of bacteria that play a role. crucial role in digestion and metabolism.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that artificial sweeteners can alter the balance of the microbiota, which in turn can increase the body’s inflammatory response and make weight loss more difficult. This makes chewing gum a hidden enemy for those seeking to lose weight.

Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a health problem that can make weight loss difficult in a variety of ways. When the body is inflamed, it is more likely to retain fluid and fat, which slows down metabolism and blocks calorie burning.

Additionally, inflammation can affect sensitivity to insulin, a key hormone in blood sugar regulation and fat storage.

When insulin levels become dysregulated, the body is more likely to store fat instead of using it as a source of energy. Therefore, frequent consumption of gum, which often contains sweeteners that interfere with insulin, can aggravate this problem.

“It was about giving up gum and my patient started losing weight,” Moñino added in his speech.

Impact on digestive health

Another negative aspect of chewing gum is its impact on digestive health. Frequent chewing of gum can lead to swallowing excess air, which in turn causes bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort.

Gastroenterologist Lisa Ganjhu of New York University Langone Medical Center explained that “habitual chewing of gum can lead to swallowing. excess airwhich causes general discomfort in the digestive system.

Woman making a balloon with a piece of gum.

Woman making a balloon with a piece of gum. iStock null

Additionally, chewing gum stimulates acid production in the stomach, which can worsen conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux. Although these symptoms do not directly affect weight loss, they can cause discomfort that discourages people from continuing with healthy habits.

Is there any alternative?

Although sugar-free gum may seem like a healthier option, experts recommend avoiding it if you’re trying to lose weight. Instead, Moñino suggests opting for natural, fiber-rich foods, such as crunchy fruits or vegetables.

These alternatives not only satisfy the need to chew, but also provide essential nutrients and help control appetite.

Woman eating an apple.

Woman eating an apple. iStock

Another option is to drink water instead of reaching for gum when you feel hungry or anxious. This not only keeps the body hydrated, but can also help reduce appetite naturally.

If you are looking to lose weight, it is key pay attention to the small details in your diet, such as chewing gum, and opt for healthier alternatives that promote a balanced lifestyle.

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