A short walk to the pharmacy to extend life | Society

Cardiovascular diseases are a great threat to human life. The WHO estimates that almost 18 million people die every year around the world due to these ailments that affect the heart and blood vessels, which account for 32% of all deaths on the planet. The same occurs in Spain, where three of the five main causes of death in 2023 – 16% of the total – were related to cardiovascular problems. Specifically, with ischemic diseases of the heart (heart attacks and angina pectoris); cerebrovascular accidents (strokes and strokes) and heart failure.

Another study by the Spanish Heart Foundation shows that almost six out of every ten Spaniards suffer from two or more cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle or lack of sleep. The data reveal evidence: it is essential to take care of the heart (and guarantee adequate protection) to preserve health.

Since Apoteca Natura pharmacies launched their first cardiovascular prevention campaign in 2014, which has been renewed and adapted year after year until it became the new Box Salud, more than 30,000 people have participated in the service.

With the aim of raising awareness among the population about cardiometabolic well-being and promoting prevention by identifying possible risk factors, the network of independent pharmacies that make up Apoteca Natura participate in their annual awareness campaign that includes the launch, for the second consecutive year , from Box Salud Cardiometabolic prevention and monitoring. This service can be purchased at any of the establishments participating in this initiative, which will end on November 15.

Prevent to cure

The box includes prevention tests, specific measurements, information and personalized advice to take care of the health of the circulatory system. The campaign is aimed, above all, at men and women between 40 and 65 years old interested in knowing their current status and in preventing diseases such as hypertension or type 2 diabetes, as well as patients with risk factors and people who care for family members who suffer from these ailments.

Image from the Apoteca Natura campaign.
Image from the Apoteca Natura campaign.

Inside, the person will find different coupons, very easy to use, that correspond to different medical tests: a prevention test and vascular age calculation, which can be repeated after three months to evaluate the improvements after following the advice and recommendations of the pharmacist; another of the measurements available in each pharmacy –blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and/or lipid profile…–; a voucher for access to digital platforms and two more related to lifestyle, which include advice on healthy eating and exercises for better cardiac and metabolic well-being.

The operating process is simple. The customer gives the coupon they want to their pharmacist, performs the test at the pharmacy where they purchased the Health Box and consults the results in the app MyApotecaNatura. In it you will find, for example, your personal health diary, where you can follow the evolution of the data, and a dietary guide with nutrition proposals based on the needs of each person.

“It represents a great advantage for both the pharmacy and the person who needs this service. It is a safe, quick and affordable way to carry out a cardiovascular check in about 20 minutes with your trusted pharmacist,” explains the Marketing Manager of Apoteca Natura España, Laia Vicente. In their opinion, this format allows them to maintain their commitment to the prevention of minor pathologies and the detection of risk factors from the pharmacy itself, as a key agent in the health chain.

Since Apoteca Natura pharmacies launched their first cardiovascular prevention campaign in 2014, which has been renewed and adapted year after year until it became the new Health Box, more than 30,000 people have participated in the service.

For conscious health

The sense of responsibility derived from the role of the pharmacist and an attitude focused on taking care of people is the hallmark of Apoteca Natura, a network of 1,200 pharmacies present in Spain, Italy, Portugal and France. Its professionals are able to listen to and guide patients on their “conscious health” journey, thanks to specialization and valuing the role of the pharmacy as a point of reference. Hence, the objective of their campaigns is very clear: to prevent and educate the population about the risks of different prevalent health disorders, and help them acquire healthy habits.

Apoteca Natura’s philosophy adheres to the One Health vision, a comprehensive approach whose purpose is to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems, given that they are all interrelated. For this reason, throughout the year, Apoteca Natura pharmacies provide information about sleep problems, digestive disorders, advice for safely facing the summer… It is also the first network of Benefit pharmacies in the world. .

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