These are the foods we eat every day in Spain and they are most closely related to cancer

Cancer is one of the main public health concerns globally. Only in Spain, in 2021, almost 110,000 people died from this disease. Although part of the incidence of cancer can be influenced by genetics, our habits play a crucial role in its prevention, and diet has been identified as a key factor. Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between certain foods and the development of different types of cancer. Among the foods most associated with an increased risk of cancer are alcohol, ultra-processed products and processed meat.

One of the main culprits is alcohol. This substance, widely normalized in society, is linked to an increased risk of several types of cancer, especially those that affect the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, liver and colon. Even moderate consumption of this drink can significantly increase the risk. According to some studies, such as the one published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Preventionthe consumption of four units of alcohol per day can increase the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer five-foldand up to 50% the risk of colorectal and breast cancer. This substance not only damages DNA, but also affects the body’s ability to absorb key nutrients for cancer prevention.

According to a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), alcohol is a type 1 carcinogen, meaning there is enough evidence to support its role in the development of cancer. This is due in part to the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde, a compound that directly damages the DNA of cellscompromising its repair capacity and generating mutations that can lead to tumor formation.

One of the most comprehensive studies on the effects of alcohol on breast cancer risk, conducted by international researchers, has shown that the risk of developing This type of cancer increases by 7% and 12% for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed dailywhich is approximately equivalent to a glass of wine or a beer. This increase is significant even with moderate consumption, and the risk increases proportionally with increasing consumption of this drink. Its impact on estrogen levels is one of the main reasons for this risk, since this hormone plays a crucial role in the development of certain types of cancer, including breast cancer, as noted by the National Cancer Institute.

In addition, regular alcohol consumption also affects the immune system, weakening the body’s ability to fight cancer cells in their early stages. Likewise, it interferes with the metabolization of essential nutrients, such as folate, which is necessary for DNA repair, which increases the likelihood of cancerous mutations occurring.

Ultra-processed foods

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and its relationship with environmental factors, including diet, has been the subject of extensive scientific studies. Various foods have been identified as cancer promotersincluding ultra-processed ones. That is, industrial products that contain multiple ingredients and additives, such as preservatives, colorings and flavorings, and have been subjected to various industrial processes to improve their flavor and prolong their shelf life as packaged snacks or fast foods. These, when consumed regularly, can significantly increase the risk of developing different types of cancer due to their harmful components and the metabolic effects they induce in the body.

Ultra-processed products are industrially manufactured products that contain multiple added ingredients, such as preservatives, colorings and artificial sweeteners. A recent study carried out by the IARC concluded that Regular consumption of this type of food significantly increases the risk of suffering from cancer.especially colorectal and breast cancer. In addition, they are often associated with obesity, which is a known risk factor for several types of cancer, since excess body fat generates a chronic inflammatory state that promotes the development of malignant tumors.

The mechanism underlying the risk associated with this type of diet has to do with inflammation and oxidative stress. These products are usually low in fiber, vitamins and minerals, which decreases the body’s ability to protect against cellular damage. In addition, the additives, preservatives and trans fats present in these foods can generate free radicals, unstable molecules that damage DNA and promote mutations in cells that could trigger cancer, as highlighted by the American Institute for Cancer Research. A study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition showed that a 10% increase in the intake of ultra-processed foods is directly related to an 11% increase in the risk of colorectal cancer.

processed meat

On the other hand, processed meat has been the subject of numerous studies that point to its link with cancer, especially colorectal cancer. The IARC classified this food as carcinogenic in 2015, due to the compounds that are generated during cooking at high temperatures, such as heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). These compounds, when they accumulate in the body, cause alterations in DNA that increase the chances of developing cancer.

The PREDIMED study, one of the largest nutrition clinical trials in Europe, showed that people who consumed higher amounts of this type of meat had a significantly higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Researchers suggest that consuming 50 grams of this food per day increases the risk of this type of cancer by 18%which underlines the importance of reducing the consumption of products such as cold cuts, sausages and smoked meats.

In addition to colorectal, other types of cancer such as stomach and pancreas have also been associated with the habitual consumption of processed meat. Toxic compounds generated during the smoking and frying process of meat increase the risk of cellular mutations and, therefore, the development of malignant tumors. This is because, according to the World Health Organization, among the main elements that cause cancer in this type of food, roasted and smoked, are two carcinogens in particular, nitrites and N-nitrosamines.

These two substances participate in complex processes that favor genetic and DNA mutations after exposure to gastric juice and high cooking temperatures. There is even research that Nitrosamines are linked to the risk of gastric and colorectal canceras found out by the Catalan Institute of Oncology.

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