How to make a long distance relationship work? Six tips

Maintaining a long-distance relationship may seem complicated, but with desire on the part of both and solid communication, many couples manage to overcome this challenge.

Experts like the clinical psychologist Eva Aguilar and the sexologist and couples therapist Silvia Sanz, They offer key strategies to make a long-distance relationship not only survive, but thrive.

Is it possible for a long distance relationship to work?

The answer is yes, and science confirms it. A study conducted by the universities of Hong Kong and Cornell revealed that couples who had long-distance relationships developed a greater degree of emotional intimacy than those who lived together.

“This is because Distance forces people to be more communicative and be more attentive to the feelings of others,” says the psychologist Eva Aguilar. “Physical absence can be compensated for by a more constant and meaningful emotional presence,” he adds.

Tips for maintaining a long-distance relationship

From young people looking for job opportunities abroad to couples who met online and have not yet been able to be physically together, Distance does not have to mean the end of a relationship.

1. Open and constant communication

One of the most important pillars of any relationship, especially a long-distance one, is communication. «It is essential to talk about everything“, from small everyday things to big plans for the future,” says the couples therapist Silvia Sanz.

However, he warns that it is important avoid overcommunicationas it can generate anxiety or pressure in the relationship. “It is better to opt for quality conversations than quantity,” he says.

Besides, Eva Aguilar suggests using tools such as video calls, text messages and emails to maintain closeness, but also recommends moments of disconnection to respect each other’s personal space.

2. Set clear and realistic goals

Long distance relationships work best when both have a clear vision of your future together. Silvia Sanz explains that it is crucial to set realistic goals, such as When will they see each other or what is the long-term plan to close the distance?. “Having a common goal helps you both have something to focus on and gives you hope,” he says.

Uncertainty about when the distance will end can cause anxiety, so set specific dates for visits or deadlines for future coexistence is an excellent motivator.

3. Manage emotions and jealousy

Distance can bring with it insecurities and jealousy. For Eva Aguilar, learning to manage these feelings is key. “Jealousy is a natural emotion in long-distance relationships, but if it is not controlled, it can destroy the relationship,” he points out.

Aguilar recommends talk openly about these feelings with the partner instead of repressing them.

Furthermore, he advises avoid falling into the trap of assumptions. “It’s easy to misinterpret a conversation or message when you can’t see the other person’s body language,” he says. “If there is something that worries you, it is better to ask directly than to jump to wrong conclusions.”


4. Surprise the couple

Distance should not be an impediment to keeping the spark alive. Silvia Sanz suggests that small details can make a big difference. “Surprising your partner with an unexpected message, a special photo, or even a surprise package can make the other person feel appreciated and loved,” she says.

These details not only fuel the relationship, but also strengthen the emotional bond between both.

Additionally, sharing interests remotely can be another way to maintain connection. “Watch movies or series together through online platforms, play video games or even read the same book,” recommends Sanz. These shared activities, even if they are not in person, They reinforce complicity and the sense of closeness.

5. Maintain an active personal life

It’s easy to be tempted to focus all your attention on your partner when you’re away, but it’s important to maintain a balanced personal life. «Don’t neglect your friendships, your work or your hobbies because you are in a long-distance relationship.«, warns Silvia Sanz.

«The richer and more satisfying your life is outside the relationship, the happier and less anxious you will feel regarding separation. This also helps avoid the feeling of emotional dependence that can arise when you both live far apart.

6. Trust your partner

Trust is the core of any healthy relationship, and in a long-distance relationship it becomes even more crucial. «If there is no trust, the relationship will be doomed to fail.«says Eva Aguilar.

To cultivate trust, it is important be sincere, keep promises and respect agreements. Avoiding situations that may generate suspicion or insecurities is also key to maintaining peace and stability in the couple.

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