Madrid reinforces health care with the delivery of key medications in more than 400 health centers

The Community of Madrid has achieved a notable figure in the management and distribution of medicines during 2023, with the delivery of nearly four million units to its health centersexcluding vaccines and medications prescribed in consultation. This operation, organized from The Pharmacy Service of the Primary Care Management responds to the need to guarantee that public health professionals have the appropriate supplies to cover the healthcare needs of the Madrid population..

From the central warehouse located in San Martín de Porres, in the capital, these products are managed and distributed daily. “We supply medications that are used directly in health centersthose that patients require when they arrive with emergencies such as low blood sugar, severe allergic reactions or cardiorespiratory arrests, in addition to the treatments necessary for daily primary care work,” he explains. José Manuel Izquierdo Palomares, head of the Pharmacy Service of the Primary Care Management.


The distribution of medicines from the central warehouse is carefully planned, with the aim of supply more than 400 health devices distributed throughout the region. From Monday to Friday, carriers cover pre-established routes that include 12 to 15 devices daily, guaranteeing that each center receives the necessary supplies every two months. Additionally, facilities can order additional medications if supplies run out sooner than expected. This process, managed by a team of six administrative assistants, five pharmacists and four custodians, ensures continuity in patient care.

“The annual route calendar is designed in such a way that each health center knows exactly when it will place its order and when it will receive it,” details Izquierdo Palomares. Each order is placed electronically through a computer program, validated by the management unit and prepared in the warehouse by warehouse staff before shipping. This meticulous process guarantees safety and efficiency in the delivery of medications to each center.

In addition to scheduled shipments, special routes are made to meet extraordinary orders that may arise due to specific needs of health centers. According to the head of the Pharmacy Service, “if any center runs out of stock before the next scheduled delivery, you can place an urgent order, and we will supply it to you on the special route.”

Quality and safety control

Proper medication maintenance is a priority in this process. “Inside the warehouse, everything is properly guarded. There are also medications that require refrigeration, which are transported in special refrigerators to guarantee that they are maintained in the appropriate conditions throughout the journey,” clarifies Izquierdo Palomares.

This rigorous control is not only limited to transportation, but also includes a double verification in the order preparation process. “Before an order leaves the warehouse, a guard checks it to ensure that what we send matches exactly what has been requested,” says the head of the Pharmacy Service. This control has allowed us to reduce the margin of error to 0.12 percent of all units shipped, an extremely low rate given the volume managed.

Coordination with other services

The catalog of medications available to Primary Care professionals includes nearly 180 products, selected by a multidisciplinary commission that includes doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals. This catalog covers a wide range of needs, from serums and emergency medications to diet therapy products distributed to nursing homes. “Product selection is key to ensuring that we can respond to the specific needs of each center and its patients,” emphasizes Izquierdo Palomares.

Since 2018, the Pharmacy Service Management Unit has also coordinated the distribution of diet therapy products, such as nutritional supplements, to nursing homes, covering both public and private residences with less than 100 beds. Added to this is the Atento Program, which since 2021 has offered telephone support to citizens to resolve questions about the use of medications.

Quality and safety

Since last year, the Primary Care Pharmacy Service of the Community of Madrid has been certified ISO 9001:2015, an endorsement that guarantees quality throughout the entire medication management and distribution process. “This certification ensures that we follow the highest quality standards, from storage to delivery to health centers”highlights Izquierdo Palomares.

José Manuel Izquierdo Palomares, head of the Pharmacy Service of the Primary Care Management.

In the event of a medication shortage, the Pharmacy Service also has a well-defined protocol. “If a medicine has no alternative available, we can request it through the Spanish Medicines Agency so that it can be imported from another country”explains the head of the Service. These types of situations, however, are rare, and thanks to advance planning, they rarely affect patient care.


Although the process is highly organized, administrative challenges, such as staff turnover in health centers or small errors in orders, are part of everyday life. Even so, The Pharmacy Service team has managed to maintain remarkable efficiency, with security incidents such as theft of medicines being practically anecdotal.

The commitment of Primary Care pharmacists is key to the proper functioning of Madrid’s public health system, contributing not only to the efficient supply of medicines, but also to the review of treatments for chronic and polymedicated patients. This service will continue to be essential to guarantee quality care at the center.

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