Health contracts in the most uncomfortable control session for Juanma Moreno

The president of the Board had enjoyed his absolute majority without any problems despite the health crises that he has had to experience such as listeriosis and Covid. Until now. This Thursday, Juanma Moreno He has faced the most uncomfortable control session in the Parliament of Andalusia in the five years he has led the Board. And the case is not for nothing: all the opposition parties accuse him of corruption after learning that the Court of Instruction number 13 of Seville has admitted to processing a complaint from the PSOE for “alleged embezzlement and prevarication” in the awarding of around 300 million euros through health emergency contracts carried out by the exceptional procedure approved for the COVID-19 pandemic. Covid-19. That on the one hand. And on the other hand, the Board’s auditors have warned of the “legal fraud” involved in the splitting of SAS contracts worth 458 million euros. Two open fronts in Health, whose management accumulates complaints from citizens.

Faced with the attacks that came to him from all sides of the benches of your honors, Moreno has chosen not to give explanations about the contracts in question, warning the spokespersons of the groups that this matter “is not of interest to the citizens”, that they worry. That to the representatives of Adelante Andalucía, Por Andalucía and Vox por against Juan Espadas, leader of the PSOE, he has opted for “and you more.” Moreno has disfigured Juan Espadas that, during his time as mayor of Seville, in 2016, “nine out of every ten contracts were minor in the Seville City Council”, awarded “by hand”, in addition to revealing that the SAS “awarded 791 million euros in contracts minors” during 2018, when the socialist Susana Díaz presided over the Board.

Sources from the Andalusian Government explain that there is tranquility in Saint Elmo since they consider that it is an administrative procedure. “We would be concerned if someone had put their hand in the box, but we have no evidence. We would have reported it as we already did when we saw it,” they say in reference to the briefcases with the sale of masks during the pandemic, a fraud that was not consummated. because the alarms went off in the Board.


However, the official version contrasts with the attitude of Dark who has seemed very nervous in his responses to the spokespersons despite trying to appear calm and show a smile (“not a laugh, I’m just trying to put a little color in this muddy session, so gray and with things so dark”) in responses that have not provided any information about the substance of the matter. What’s more, the Andalusian Government has not provided documentation to the opposition groups on the two issues under scrutiny, the emergency contracts and the minor contracts, but rather they have obtained it through the transparency portal, requesting it in the same way as Any citizen can do it.

Announcement of free daycare for children aged 2 to 3 years next year

In the midst of the controversy over Health contracts, Juanma Moreno has taken the opportunity to make an announcement of social significance. The next academic year, 2025/26 daycare will be free for children aged 2 to 3 years, a measure that will affect some 67,000 Andalusian minors, those who will be of that age that year, whose families will not have to pay anything in the subsidized centers that offer this level of education. Free early childhood education from 0 to 3 years is a social demand highly demanded by left-wing parties and for which the central government has distributed funds to the autonomous communities, although Andalusia has returned them because they could only be used in public places and not agreed upon. The Andalusian Government defends that in the autonomous community there is an important network of private nursery schools, the majority of which are self-employed women, whose jobs, around 15,000, will be protected with this measure.

Juan Espadas He occupied a good part of the political prominence in the session. “Moreno Bonilla knew it,” insists the leader of the Andalusian PSOE. “You have hindered the work of the opposition, you have not wanted a commission of inquiry and now you will have to give the necessary explanations in front of a judge.”

Immaculate Grandsonspokesperson for Por Andalucía, has accused Juanma Moreno of acting “with contempt for the law because there is political corruption and we will see if there is corruption of more things. No more lies, excuses, hoaxes or covering up the reality of her disastrous management. “His excuses don’t work.” From Adelante Andalucía, José Ignacio García The control session with the president began very forcefully. “Don’t forget this figure, 458 million euros in minor contracts in the provinces of Cádiz, Córdoba, Jaén and Huelva. This figure will accompany you throughout the remainder of the legislature because it is the money that the SAS “It has given companies a chance to violate the law by cutting up contracts and circumventing the law; Adelante Andalucía does not say it, the auditors of the Junta de Andalucía say it.” “And now he will tell us that the fault lies with Puigdemont and the Catalans.”

Even Vox, which focused its criticism on the Institutional Participation Law and the role given to unions, did not miss the opportunity. Your spokesperson, Manuel Gavirawas quite clear: “I don’t even want to think that it is using the same hiring practices as the Socialist Party; I don’t even want to think about it.”

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