What are LAT pairs? The new model of relationship and family

What are LAT pairs?

In recent decades, thanks to the settlement of social rights and the principles of diversitywe have witnessed a true revolution in matters of love relationships and family.

In fact, in the middle of 2024, we can talk about new family models such as, for example, the LAT couples or what we know in Spanish as “live together, but apart”.

If already in the 80s, sociological studies warned of the approval of the so-called DINK couples either Double Income No Kidsto refer to a nascent fashion in the United States marked by the union of two people, but without having children; Now, we have to talk about the Living Apart Together.

In this case of two people who maintain a stable relationship, who may even sign their marriage, but who They will never live under the same roof. In other words, spouses who defend the idea that a love becomes cloudy as soon as a bathroom is shared or one of the two discovers that the other snores.

However, although there is talk of fashions or sociological trends achieved thanks to diversity, the existence of both DINK families and LAT couples also has a lot to do with the problems facing today’s society.

With complicated access to housing and jobs that are not always stable, for more recent generations, such as Millennial wave Zthey find it difficult to have children or buy a house, even if it is between two.

Without forgetting its consequences, such as excessive demand for rental apartmentswhich drives the price up; or a clearing decline in birth rate in Western countries. Without going any further, in Spain, in less than 50 years (from 1975 to 2021) the average number of children that a woman can have decreased from 2.7 to 1.1, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE).

We explain this profound transformation in the way of conceiving emotional and family relationships.

What is it like to be a LAT couple?

What is it like to be a LAT couple?

The relations Living Apart Together They represent a family model that has been gaining popularity in recent times, but… What is it like to be a LAT family?

This term or acronym is used to define people who maintain a stable and committed relationship, but who choose to live in separate homes. There is no room for third parties in this love; simply, it is agreed not to live together.

This tendency may be due to various reasons that may have personal motivations, such as the need to preserve independence; or be a consequence of the need to have some very flexible schedules to reconcile with work career.

Although the economic situation also has a lot to do with it, the self care awareness and the idea of ​​enjoying less time together, but having quality time.

Be that as it may, couples Living Apart Together They are perceived, by some conservative sectors, as a challenge to established social norms, which traditionally associate love with cohabitation.

LAT couples in Spain

Spain Couple Living Apart Together

Living in separate houses as a key to the success of a relationship. This is the basis of 8% of stable couples in Spain and which are defined as Living Apart Together.

At first glance, it may seem like a small percentage, but it is not. Above all, if we compare it with the extension of this love trend in other countries such as, for example, the United States or England.

There, the number of LAT couples represents around 10% of the total population that is in a relationship.

Possible advantages of the LAT couples love model

LAT couples fashion advantages

Although at first this type of couple may seem to have no advantages and many even associate it with Spouses going through a crisis and they need space, there is already psychological and sociological studies who defend the opposite.

You are with some advantages from the point of view of the psychology of LAT couples:

  • Preservation of independence: By living in separate homes, each member can maintain their own spaces and routines, which promotes autonomy and personal development.
  • Avoid routine: They don’t share their lives 24/7, which keeps the relationship fresh and exciting, avoiding the monotony that can sometimes come with living under the same roof.
  • Greater flexibility: LAT couples do not usually impose schedules on themselves, but rather organize their time and activities flexibly. This can be especially beneficial for those with irregular work hours or who need to travel frequently.
  • Protection of personal spaces: By having their own home, each member of the couple can design their environment to their liking, without having to make concessions.
  • Strengthening the relationship: They consider that by having less time to be together, this is quality time. There is no time for nonsense, only for intensity.
  • All of the above, minimizes arguments, anger and possible problems between spouses.

It is important to highlight that the LAT couples They are not a universal solution for everyone. Each couple is unique and must evaluate whether this relationship model fits their needs and expectations.

What do you think about LAT couples?

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