Seven medicinal plants that are recommended to treat hemorrhoids naturally

Hemorrhoids are a common disease that affects a large part of adults (Infobae)
Hemorrhoids are a common disease that affects a large part of adults (Infobae)

The hemorrhoids are one of the most common conditions in adult life that causes uncomfortable discomfort as inconvenience, itch, irritation, swelling and even bleeding of the anal area.

Caused by the swollen veins in the anus and the lower part of rectumthe treatment of hemorrhoids includes from changes in the feeding, anal baths. medications, ointments and even surgical interventions.

However, there are some natural methods that work like auxiliaries for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

That’s why here they are seven medicinal plants that relieve hemorrhoids naturallyaccording to the document “Tlayeyecolpahtli (Experienced Medicine). Healing plants in the communities of Mexico”, by researchers Mónica Lucía Fernández and Martínez José Francisco Erasto Gutiérrez, published by the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INPI) of Mexico.

Arnica is one of the best known medicinal plants (Freepik)
Arnica is one of the best known medicinal plants (Freepik)

One of the medicinal plants best known is the arnicawhose scientific name is Arnica mountain and part of the family Asteraceaethat among his healing qualities is the fight at hemorrhoidsdue to its properties antispasmodic, astringent and anti-inflammatory.

Other diseases that this herb helps against: gastritis, ulcers, wounds, sores, ovarian and kidney pain, fever, stomach inflammation, bronchitis, visual impairment, cirrhosis and varicose veins.

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Arnica is composed of canine, phytosterin, arnicine, inulin, palmitic acid, phenolic acids, terpene alcohols, hill, betaine and manganese.

As for the contraindicationsarnica is safe if Its use is not exceeded for 15 days and if they appear side effects can be removed if consume celery.

Untreated hemorrhoids can lead to surgery (IMSS)
Untreated hemorrhoids can lead to surgery (IMSS)

Not so well known in the long catalog of medicinal plantsthe bistort It is widely used for the eradication of hemorrhoids.

Its scientific name is Polygonum bistorta and is part of the family Polygonaceaewhile it is composed of tannins, vitamins, glucose, paraffin, starch, calcium oxalate and red dye.

In addition to hemorrhoids, bistorta is effective against intestinal infections, leucorrhoea and urethritis. Stands out for its properties antidiarrheal, antihemorrhagic, astringents and antiseptics.

The bistorta stands out for not having contraindications, provoke side effects, nor consider toxic.

Mallow is a beautiful flower with a long history of medicinal properties (Archive)
Mallow is a beautiful flower with a long history of medicinal properties (Archive)

Other medicinal plant widely known for its various properties healing is the mallowwhose scientific name is Malva sylvestris and is part of the family Malvaceae.

The mallow is composed of Vitamins A, B1, B2 and c, anthocyanins, mucilage, malvina, as well as malvidina.

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Among his medicinal propertiesthis plant stands out for combating obesityhe a coldthe flu and the pharyngitisas well as the irritated skinthe sting of insectsthe wounds, vaginal infectionsin the throat, kidney, dropsy, dysentery, rheumatism, tonsillitis and is even considered a mild laxative.

As for the contraindicationsmallow does not have, nor is it considered toxic, nor does it present side effects.

The bitter orange tree is the tree that produces oranges (Archive)
The bitter orange tree is the tree that produces oranges (Archive)

With the scientific name Citrus aurantium and from the Rutaceae family, the bitter orange is one of the medicinal plants that helps in combat of the hemorrhoids.

This plant is composed of flavonoids, pectin, enzyme, vitamins, citral, linalool, geraniol, camphene, nerol, limonene, pinene, citronellol, acids, tannin, hesperidin and glucose.

In addition to hemorrhoids, bitter orange helps relieve varicose veins and arteriosclerosisyou can also lower the levels of cholesterolcombat the cough, nerves, epilepsy, appetitive, digestive, bile, dysentery and pain of stomach.

Aloe vera is one of the best-known medicinal plants (Government of Mexico)
Aloe vera is one of the best-known medicinal plants (Government of Mexico)

Another of the stars in the catalog of the medicinal plants is the aloe veraalso known by its scientific name Aloe Verafor its long list of healing propertiesamong them the relief against hemorrhoids.

The plant is composed of glutamic acids, aloetic, palmitic, aspartic; essential oils of cineole, caryophyllene and pinene; minerals as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese and aluminum in its leaves; amino acids as aloin, aloesin, lysine, arginine, glutamine; as well as vitamin B1.

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Among its medicinal qualities, the cure sores and wounds, inflammations of the intestine thick, pains of head caused by uterine or gastric disorders, infections by candid, rash, wrinkles, acne and even as sunscreen.

Despite being a medicinal plant considered safe for human consumption, it is important to mention that Prolonged consumption can cause stomach upset..

This is what the willow looks like (Archive)
This is what the willow looks like (Archive)

He willowwhose scientific name is Salix bonplandiana and is part of the Salicaceae family, is one of the medicinal plants that relieve the hemorrhoids.

Among its little-known healing qualities are rheumatismthe feverthe fluthe gangrenethe nervous disorderhe herpesthe scabiesthe warts and even helps dental cleaning.

Composed of salicylate, willow has no contraindications, it is not considered toxic, nor does it have side effects.

The Elderberry plants (Inecol)
The Elderberry plants (Inecol)

With the scientific name sambucus nigra and from the Adoxaceae family, the elder is another of the medicinal plants that fight hemorrhoids.

Elderberry is composed of flavonoids, carotenes, mucilage, potassium, alkaloids, hill, triterpenes, sugar, pectin, anthocyanins, organic acids, vitamin C, as well as malic acids and valerianic.

In addition to hemorrhoids, elderberry fights fluhe common coldthe feverthe drophe rheumatismhe constipationthe cystitisthe kidney stonesthe cariesthe muscle pain and the crampsserves to stimulate the production of breast milk and as a purgative.

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