Sciatica, a common ailment with effective treatment

The sciatica is a common ailment in the adult populationespecially among people between 30 and 50 years old. This to the point that around 40% of people will experience it at some point in their lives. Want know thoroughly this question? The doctors Fernando Torre Mollinedo and Rubén Álvarezof Quirónsaludthey explain in detail the risk factors, effective medical treatments to combat it and even home remedies that relieve pain.

According to both Pain Unit specialistssciatica is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nervewhich is formed by the spinal roots of L4-L5 and S1, which leave the lumbar spine, meet at the back of the thigh and are distributed throughout the leg, reaching the foot. A causeA very common cause of sciatica is herniated disc (it consists of the rupture of the intervertebral disc and its entry into the spinal canal, compressing the roots that form the sciatic nerve and is more common in people between 30 and 50 years old). Other causes are: spinal stenosis (it means that the spinal canal through which the nerves travel is narrowed, it is more common in people over 50 years old), spondylolisthesis (consists of the displacement of one vertebra over another with the entrapment of the root) and trauma or injuries to the spineamong others.

He sciatica pain It usually manifests itself as a burning, stinging, or electrical sensation that radiates from the lower back to the legs, sometimes reaching the feet. It may be accompanied by numbness, muscle weakness, and difficulty moving the affected leg. In the early phases, the pain is intense, continuous, making it difficult to sleep properly and move around.

As for the frequency of a sciatica episode in the population, varies depending on different factorssuch as age, lifestyle, pre-existing medical conditions and other risk factors. “Some estimates suggest that around 40% of people will experience sciatica at some point in their lives,” say doctors Torre Mollinedo and Álvarez, while indicating that “there is no significant difference between men and women in terms of susceptibility to sciatica.”

In his view, it is important to keep in mind that “each person is unique and you may experience sciatica differently depending on your individual situation and risk factors.”

Some factors that may increase the risk of developing sciatica include:

  • Age: Sciatica becomes more common as people age, as the intervertebral discs tend to deteriorate over time.
  • Lifestyle: Factors such as lack of exercise, being overweight or obese, and work that requires lifting heavy objects or sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of developing sciatica.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions: Conditions such as herniated disc, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and osteoarthritis can increase the risk of sciatica.
  • Previous injuries: Injuries to the spine, such as a fall or car accident, can increase the risk of developing sciatica in the future.
  • Genetic factors: Some studies suggest that certain genetic factors may increase the predisposition to developing back problems, including sciatica.

Sciatica pain radiates from the lower back to the legs. freepik

Home remedies for sciatica

Did you know that there are home remedies for sciatica? Demystifying mythsspecialists point to the application of cold or hot compresses to the affected area to relieve inflammation and reduce pain, perform gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles of the back and legs, maintain correct posture when sitting and lifting objects, avoid staying in the same position for a long time, use ergonomic pillows to maintain proper alignment of the spine when sleeping, and practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi or meditation to reduce stress, which can aggravate the pain “The prevention Avoiding being overweight and doing regular physical exercise will help avoid these types of problems,” they emphasize.

Medical treatments to combat it

The medical treatments to combat sciatica They are applied in their initial or acute phasethat is, during the first weeks. They include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)such as ibuprofen, naproxen, dexketoprofen, to reduce pain and inflammation, muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms, such as diazepam and pain relievers to control pain, such as paracetamol or tramadol.

“Your doctor may recommend a regimen of corticosteroids in the initial stages of sciatica pain. Later in a subacute phase, after 2-3 weeks, the physiotherapy to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility, heat in the lumbar region using short wave, or laser, and electrostimulationthey improve the symptoms,” both doctors point out.

Medical treatments and home remedies relieve pain. freepik

Epidural injection provides relief

In cases of intense pain that does not subside with conservative treatment, procedures such as epidural infiltration or disc decompression They can be of choice. “Epidural infiltration is a procedure in which a steroid and local anesthetic are injected into the epidural space around the affected nerves and the hernia with the aim of reducing inflammation and relieving pain,” explain Fernando Torre Mollinedo and Rubén Álvarez.

This technique can provide short and long term relief. It is estimated that epidural infiltration is successful in providing pain relief in approximately 50% to 90% of cases. There are different types of epidural approachthe interlaminar, foraminal or caudal. He pain treatment specialist choose the most appropriate approach, thinking about the greater effectiveness and relief for the patient. “Your doctor may recommend other treatments such as disc decompression or epidural catheters if these infiltrations are not effective enough,” they add.

Epidural infiltration is considered a safe and effective procedure for pain relief when performed by a experienced professionaleither. “We must keep in mind that it is a common procedure not only in chronic pain but also in anesthesia. In our team at the Pain Units of the Quirónsalud Bizkaia and Quirónsalud Vitoria Hospitals we work with proven protocols and very high-level imaging equipment that allow us increase effectiveness and safety of the technique minimizing possible risks and complications”argue both experts.

In any case, remember that “it is important discuss any concerns Talk to your doctor about the risks and possible complications before undergoing an epidural injection. Additionally, the procedure is usually performed under the supervision of a pain medicine doctor or anesthesiologist with experience in this type of procedures and under conscious sedation”.

Combat sciatica during pregnancy

During the pregnancydue to the potential risk to the fetus, epidural infiltration is not routinely performed, but there are other options to relieve sciatica pain. “Although there are corticosteroid alternatives What we can use is that we should not use radiological imaging at this time of pregnancy. Other treatment options are recommended instead, such as paracetamol, rest, physical therapy, adapted prenatal stretching exercises, use of supportive devices such as maternity girdles, and application of heat or cold to the affected area. From the third month of pregnancy, the teratogenic risk of drugs is reduced. In cases of intense pain that does not subside with rest and conservative treatment can be consider performing an epidural in a pregnant woman, weighing the benefits and risksalways for a professional” indicate the specialists.

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