The best 5 home remedies to lower high triglycerides

The triglycerides are a type of fat present in the body, which are affected whether the bad and total cholesterolas if it raises blood sugar. Therefore, if the profile of this lipid is high, it is best to check how these other blood values ​​are also.

In this sense, there are several options you have to control the triglycerides. Logically, the most important thing is that you go to your doctor, but from the holistic medicine some are suggested home remedies which can be a good support to reduce them naturally.

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Therefore, in this article we share the best natural options that help reduce the profile of these fats in the body, thanks to their effects antioxidants, purifying and alkalizing.

How to lower triglyceride levels urgently

The triglycerides They are a type of fat, lipid, that are affected whether bad and total cholesterol or blood sugar levels increase. In this way, the blood glucose and cholesterol controls They are essential, since they go hand in hand with triglycerides.

Therefore, when thinking about how urgently lower hypertriglyceridemiait is advisable to take into account how glucose values ​​are, for example, since prediabetes or type 2 diabetes can cause an increase in triglycerides.

That said, to reduce hypertriglyceridemia it is key change lifestyle and focus on what to eat and doing physical activity. These two pillars will help a lot to accompany the pharmacological treatment indicated by the doctor.

However, when triglyceride values ​​are high but at the limit (andbetween 150 and 199 mg/dl)In most cases, the health professional may recommend adjusting some dietary guidelines and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

A good option is to do any aerobic exercise that you like, since practicing it regularly helps control blood levels. cholesterol and triglycerides in the blooda study suggests.

In general terms of feedingthe ideal is to reduce foods with hydrogenated fats or oils and trans fats. But in particular it is suggested to limit and even eliminate the alcohol as one of the main things you should do, since it especially affects triglycerides due to its high value sugar and calories.

Medicinal drinks to drink on an empty stomach and lower triglycerides

Certain herbs and foods such as fruits, whole grains and seeds, can help reduce both triglycerides and bad cholesterol.

Below we suggest some homemade and natural options of medicinal drinks, which act on triglycerides thanks to 2 essential components that reduce fat accumulation in the body: soluble fibers and antioxidants.

1. Pineapple and lemon juice

The pineapple reduces elevated lipid levels in general, while lemon It has purifying, alkalizing and antioxidant nutritional properties that make this citrus fruit an excellent option when it comes to improving liver function.

Remember that a part of cholesterol and triglycerides are produced by this essential organ.

2. Turmeric tea

Thanks to its active ingredient, the curcuminturmeric is, above all, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

With which, the turmeric tea It is a good home remedy to reduce triglycerides, since its powerful antioxidant effect helps expel fat and toxins from the blood, reducing triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

3 Oatmeal water with cinnamon

The oatmeal It contains a type of soluble fiber -betaglucans- that helps reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine; while the cinnamon It is rich in antioxidants. Therefore, the combination of both stimulates the reduction of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Turmeric and oats

Turmeric and oats

Getty Images/iStockphoto

5 good natural remedies to lower triglycerides

From holistic medicine, some are suggested natural remedies which can be an excellent support for reduce triglycerides in a healthy and effective way, thanks to its antioxidant, purifying and alkalizing effects.

Next, the best natural options to reduce the profile of these fats in the body:

#Cinnamon infusion

The moderate consumption of cinnamon It reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation, therefore, it is useful in removing triglycerides and sugar from the bloodstream and avoiding strain. insulin hormone in the pancreas.

#Olive oil and lemon

He olive oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and the lemon It is a powerful alkalizer. Combining them helps lower high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Furthermore, both foods promote elasticity of the arteriesbreaking down the fats that accumulate on its walls.

#Eggplant and cucumber juice

Combining these vegetables in a delicious green juice provides dietary fibers and act as antioxidants, regulating triglycerides in the blood. Furthermore, they have a diuretic and detoxifying effect, stimulating the expulsion of fluids and toxins retained in the tissues.

#Artichoke tea

The artichokes They are antioxidants, and provide a sufficient amount of fibers and essential minerals that stimulate rcumulative reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time, it is purifying since promotes liver cleansinghelping to break down and expel toxins.

#Oat water

As we already explained, this cereal contains large amounts of soluble fiber and has a powerful antioxidant effect, reducing absorption of cholesterol, triglycerides and sugars in the intestine.

Remember: although these natural remedies They can be healthy for lowering triglyceride levels. Before incorporating any of these options into your regular diet, it is key that you tell your doctor.

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How to take lemon to lower triglycerides

Citrus fruits, such as lemonthey own naringenin, a flavonoidwhich has similar effects to the drug metformin. This substance also helps lower lipid level profilethanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

So, to lower triglycerides, and obtain the other benefits, it is recommended to drink juice of one lemon dissolved in a glass of water, preferably first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach, for a better result.

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