7 home remedies to get rid of a hangover at the end of the year

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the United States (NIH) defines a hangover as the set of symptoms that occur from drinking too much alcohol. Although these signs may vary from person to person, the most common are tiredness, thirst, headache, stomach pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, as well as sweating and high blood pressure.

Although to a lesser extent, hangovers also cause mild dehydration, gastrointestinal irritation which generates reflux and sleep interruption, which, although you can fall asleep faster after drinking alcohol, you do not rest well and usually wake up earlier.

Experts indicate that the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to suffer these discomforts, although most disappear within 24 hours. The hangover reaches its peak when the concentration of alcohol in the blood decreases to zero.

Home remedies to get rid of a hangover

There are several myths around hangovers and how to avoid them. One of them is that Before drinking alcohol, it is recommended to drink coffee or shower to reduce the duration of a hangover, however, the NIH points out that this is not scientifically proven, so the only way to avoid these discomforts is by not drinking alcohol.

Another myth is the order in which drinks are taken, e.g. drink beer before wine. However, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to suffer a hangover.

Although there is no 100% proven way to prevent or reduce hangovers entirely, Yes, there are some home remedies and actions that help calm the discomfort.. Some are detailed below.

1. Drink water

One of the symptoms caused by a hangover is dehydration, so the next day it is recommended to drink a lot of water to combat it. In addition, when drinking liquids you constantly go to the bathroom and through urine the level of alcohol in the body would decrease.

Karla Aguilar, a naturopath, recommends drinking water between alcoholic drinks to counteract the dehydration caused by alcohol. It is also advisable to drink drinks with electrolytes the next day to rehydrate the body.

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Drinking water the next day will help reduce the nausea and headache caused by a hangover. (Free Press Photo: Andrea Piacquadio on pexels.com).

2. Avoid drinking coffee

Many times, the day after the party we need a stimulant to give us energy to continue with our routine. The most common thing is to drink a cup of coffee, however, this is not recommended because it could aggravate dehydration.

It is also not recommended to drink black tea or green tea, which, although they provide energy at the moment, are also diuretics and would increase the degree of dehydration in the body.

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When you have a hangover, it is not recommended to drink coffee because it could contribute to the dehydration caused by alcohol. (Free Press Photo: Emre on Unsplash).

3. Drink mint tea or ginger infusion

Mint is a plant that is distinguished by its smell, but also by its digestive properties. Helps with stomach discomfort such as nausea, gas and stomach pain. The recommendation is to use a tablespoon of fresh mint per a cup of water and drink it three times a day.

While ginger is an anti-inflammatory that calms stomach pain, gas and heartburn. It could also help reduce headaches, which is why it is recommended to take it as an infusion when you have a hangover.

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Mint and ginger help reduce stomach discomfort from a hangover. (Free Press Photo: Charlotte May on pexels.com).

4. Shower and rest

Even if you already have plans for the next day and must continue with a routine, the best thing for the body is to rest and recover from the fatigue caused by a hangover. It is recommended to sleep and let the muscles recover.

It is also advisable to shower with cold water to stimulate the body and reactivate blood circulation. Then you can go back to bed.

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When you have a hangover, if your body asks to rest, you should sleep as much as possible. (Free Press Photo: Ketut Subiyanto on pexels.com).

5. Drink water with lemon

Lemon juice is used as a laxative and cleanser, and for hangovers it would help with dehydration and release toxins that accumulate in the body when ingesting alcohol.

To reduce hangover symptoms, it is recommended that four lemons be squeezed into a liter of water. Add a pinch of salt and some baking soda. Take it during the day.

If you don’t like it, it is also advisable to drink warm water with lemon on an empty stomach. Add the juice of one lemon to a cup of hot water and drink it at least 45 minutes before breakfast, this will be beneficial to calm the discomfort of a hangover.

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Lemon has properties that help stomach upset caused by a hangover. (Free Press Photo: Julia Zolotova on pexels.com).

6. Eat a good breakfast

The morning after the party it is very likely that we will wake up with an upset stomach, such as nausea and stomach pain, which will prevent us from wanting to have breakfast. However, it is important to eat a good and healthy breakfast to increase sugar levels.

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There is a myth of preferring food with fat and carbohydrates the next day to reduce the discomfort of a hangover, however, this is not scientifically proven. The recommendation is to consume this type of food before drinking alcoholic beverages, since fat creates a layer in the stomach and liver that protects them.

Eating a good and healthy breakfast will also provide vitamins and minerals that will help reduce hangover symptoms. Fruits such as bananas, watermelon, grapes and mango provide natural sugars that would reduce the level of alcohol in the body.

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Eating fruit for breakfast when you have a hangover helps eliminate the level of alcohol in the body. (Free Press Photo: Jane Doan on pexels.com).

7. Drink carrot juice or orange juice

When you have a hangover, it is recommended to consume foods rich in antioxidants, because alcohol usually generates oxidative stress, and this free radicals. Therefore, antioxidants help eliminate them.

Some foods with this characteristic are cherries, grapes, carrots, spinach, ginger, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds. To contribute to the rehydration of the body, it is recommended to drink carrot or orange juice to give the body antioxidants and calm dehydration.

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