From home remedies to the boom in Catalan medicines

Exhibition 'Medicines in Catalonia. Business, science and innovation for health' | Loaned

A tribute to the friendship of the founders of the Catalan pharmaceutical companies, from Esteve, Almirall and Andreu. A journey through the history of apothecary shops, home remedies, pseudoscience and true giants of innovation. He National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (Mnactec) has premiered the exhibition Medications in Catalonia. Business, science and innovation for healthan exhibition exhibition produced jointly by Mnactec and the Uriach Foundation (which manages and disseminates the industrial, cultural and artistic heritage of the Catalan pharmaceutical company Uriach) on the scientific and technological evolution that the manufacturing of medicines has experienced in Catalonia. A condensation on Catalan medicine that had never been done in history.

“The origins of Catalan pharmacy have to do with natural products, which were based on traditional medicinal plants and formulas learned from generation to generation. As a consequence, there were no regulated pharmacy studies and there was no university faculty for this career in Catalonia until 1945,” they point out. Judit Trains and Jordi Seguerotechnicians from the Fundació Uriach and promoters of the exhibition in Terrassa.

“In Catalonia at the beginning of the 20th century there were secret remedies with unknown formulas”

“There were also secret remedies with unknown formulas and the authors jealously guarded the recipe. For example, it was common to find the elixir of long life with many different uses, which promised to lengthen your life. There were products with more than 70 ingredients that included snakehead, juniper and strange remedies,” the experts continue.

A Uriach pharmacy | Loaned

A Uriach pharmacy | Loaned

An evolution of natural plant remedies that evolve into chemistry thanks to the industrial revolution. An approach to innovation and technology to apply the knowledge that comes with the creation of the laboratories. However, “the Spanish Civil War turned everything around and caused a great setback,” says Entrena. “Fortunately, with the recovery in the 60s, true research departments began to be created, to become truly powerful companies, such as with Uriach, which already has 180 years of history.” And Biodramina, as icing on the cake.

“The Spanish Civil War turned everything around and caused a great setback in the pharmaceutical industry”

The star product: Biodramina

The iconic brand Biodraminefrom the Catalan pharmaceutical company Uriach, turns 70 years old. After seven decades, this medicine continues to be a reference in the prevention and treatment of motion sickness symptoms caused by means of transport. Its origins date back to 1944, with the Normandy landings. The Doctor Joan Uriachhonorary president of the company, learned of the existence of a drug that was provided to soldiers who were going to fight in the war to prevent them from getting dizzy and decided to take it to the Spanish State, marketing it in 1952 under the name Biodramina.

Entrena and Sequero explain that “it is the company’s most iconic product, but not the most important nor the one that has provided the highest turnover.” Furthermore, they detail that in the 60s, with the rise of the famous 600 cars and with advertising campaigns that went to the target audience, such as travel agencies or cruise ships, it was a complete success. To date, we do not talk about a seasickness product, but about the brand.

Patients: increasingly empowered

One of the most notable changes over the years has been that patients were previously “passive.” That is to say, according to the promoters, many of them were patients who drank, smoked and did not take care of themselves. They gave them a drug and “it was solved.” On the contrary, today he is an active patient who cares about his health. They seek a healthy life, they do sports, they sleep the corresponding hours, they like yoga, mindfulness and find natural solutions.

A Biodramina poster | Loaned

A Biodramina poster | Loaned

A journey through Catalan medicine that finds its place in the friendship between Dr. Uriach, Esteve and Almirall. The speakers detail that it is common for there to be rivalries in a union, but there they were very united, they had studied together and they helped each other a lot. “They had a traditional Catalan desire to cooperate to advance, if one grows, the whole world grows,” they conclude.

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